Happy 2020 !

Sunday, January 5, 2020


Hello semua, hope all is well. Happy 2020 everyoneee. Cepat je kan, dah masuk tahun baru. May the success will always be with us, semoga diberkati, dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki yang berkah, mendapat apa yang dicita-citakan, semoga yang belum bertemu jodoh, akan ditemukan jodoh yang soleh/solehah, terbaik dunia akhirat, yang tak tercapai tahun 2019 tu bolehla bawa kembali ke tahun 2020 ni. Semoga urusan kita semua dipermudahkan. By the way, everyone has different path, learn to respect that. Don't be too quick to judge person, your are not in their shoes. You don't know how struggling they are. Do not give up. Take time to look around you, be grateful you have someone you can share something, someone who understand you, someone who keep advising you, someone uplifting you when you're down. Thank you Allah for that.

Till then, bye. 

p/s: Semoga Hafizah Ibrahim dimudahkan urusan pelajaran, pekerjaan dan kehidupan seharian. Aamiin. Terima kasih :) 
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