::You'll never know until you figure it out someday !

Friday, March 11, 2011


People do come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there either to serve you some sort of purpose, or teach you a lesson, or even to help you to figure out of who you are ! You'll never know until you figure it out !..

Some things happened to you seems to be horrible, painful, unpredictable and unfair at first but then in reflection you'll find out without overcoming those obstacles, then you would never ever realized your true potential, strength, willpower and heart ! You'll never know until you figure it out !

 People do hurt you, break your heart and even make you deep crying. Well, that's how life would be. When there's protagonist, then there's should be antagonist too.. People said time heals. So, take you own time to think about the problems [The source of the problem i mean..], in order to know either the source of it come from your ownself or another person. Do not ever try to just point the blame out to someone without figuring the truth first ! You'll never know until you figure it out !

We'll meet someone whom we thought he/she's our destiny but unfortunately that was just a mistake. People do said that we will meet the wrong one before we go to the right one, is it true ? Well, first and foremost we should become a better person in order to get a good one. InsyaAllah.. You'll never know until you figue it out !

People do said that life itself is a karma !. What you give you'll get back. what goes around comes around and what goes up must comes down [Alaa, lagu si Alicia tu]. So, by hook or by crook, we should always bare in mind of what we are doing which absolutely would effect our life ! You'll never know until you figure it out !

Someday... You'll understand everything !

The moral of the entry is :
You'll never know until you figure it out !
Every single things happen for a reason. Then you should figure out what exactly the reasons are. Then, build your own power to fight against it ! Proverb do say that, when there's a will, there's a way insyaAllah.. ^^

P dot s:
Japan dilanda Tsunami dan gempa bumi. One of God's power. When He said "Kunfayakun" then, those will happen in a blink of eyes ! Tak mustahil akan berlaku di Malaysia. So, do pray a lot dan cubalah ubah diri kita. Maybe kejadian ini adalah hikmat, salah satu petunjuk yang diberikan Allah untuk kita menginsafi kelalaian kita di dunia nih. Tapi, still manusia masih ramai yang lagha......

Hontoni arigatou for spending your time reading this entry ! ^^


ghost said...


bila kita menyatakan sesuatu yang kita fikirkan betul adakala bercanggah dengan fikiran orang lain..kesimpulannya kita kena terima apa yang orang lain kata kalau kita mau orang lain terima kata kita...(nampak mcm takde kaitan dgn entry kamu,tapi tetap ada.hi3)

Sesungguhnya Tuhan lebih tahu apa rahsia di sebalik setiap kejadian itu kerna Dia yang jadikannya...Semoga kita mendapat Rahmat dari-NYA.

Fizah Ibrahim said...

@ghost writer
Yup, 15O% stuju dgn kata2 kamu, terima kasih atas tambahan tu hehe..
Dan smoga kita selalu dlm rahmat-Nya insyaAllah...

caliph shuriken said...

smoga kita dlm lindunganNya sentiasa...

Usagi said...

pengalamn itulah yg mengajar kita erti kehidupan.

but sometimes human don't learn from mistake, they keep doing the same mistake over and over again

Fizah Ibrahim said...

@caliph shuriken
Yup caliph..Ameen.. ^^

Fizah Ibrahim said...

@Betta sp
Ye la kan, pendapat sesetengah org, susah dorang nak blaja dari kesilapan n taknak amek tau huhu, leading them to keep doing the same mistake again and again..

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