Its been 3 years. But still struggling hard to finish mine. Three years surely is a long journey but trust me, it is BEAUTIFUL. Life as a student couldnt be traded to anything else, priceless, is there any word suit this? Hmm, I dont think so. Lol. Its hard, and sometimes a disaster but that okay because at the end these obstacles will definitely give you a beautiful life ahead.
Stop when you are done, not when you are tired. But seriously I am done, tired. Hoii bila nak habis ni. Huhu :(
Hope to get this done and may He ease me to let them proud of me. Semoga dipermudahkan. Rasa macam nak gila dah dengan projek and whole other things. But He knows better, kan? For sure.
Anyway, wanna know my tips to gather up the strength when Im feeling down? Please remember your ma and abah, your family, then surely the strength will come to your wayyyy.
And remember this :
Allah does not burden a soul beyond that its capacity [2:286]
Tolong doakan saya mampo grad tahun ni ye? Thanks. Semoga kalian juga dipermudah.
Masak Berlado Udang Terung dan Kentang
1 day ago
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