Good Little Tiny Creatures

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Assalamualaikum and Hi !

How are you guys doing? Hope everyone's great !. I'm okay, not really great, but alhamdulillah still alive. Feeling a bit stressful due to my dissertation !. Please do pray for me ya. Feels like wanna write something, in related to my doctorate study (in hope stress will go away lol :p). 

You guys familiar with bacteriophage? Or should I say, virus? Of course everyone of us know what virus is, right? But, similar to human (opss), there's two type of these virus genuinely known as bacteriophage, which is good and bad one ! The one I'm in love (opss again!) is of course with the good one, namely LYTIC bacteriophage, or we called them lytic phage, in short. While the bad one is lysogenic phage. But you guys must be asking wth is this lytic and lysogenic? Well, basically a good virus (lytic) is the one that naturally kill off any targeted bacteria by attaching themselves to the bacterial cells, hijacking their genome materials, producing progenies (son, daughters :p) until the cells burst out. That's literally will kill off the bacteria, right? 

Have you heard the saying goes "make friends with the enemies of your enemies"?, so this is how the study goes on. We'll be seeking for alternative therapeutic to antibiotics by making friends with this kind of phage, to kill off any pathogenic and virulent (dangerous, bad) bacterial, which may cause disease outbreak. 

Till then, bye bye. :p


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